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Our Story

In the summer of 2017 we began our journey on the path of entrepreneurship, to fund our venture we used Airbnb to rent out properties we owned as well as the spare rooms in the London home we were living in.

Nowadays, guests expect hotel quality amenities, extraordinary personal service and on-call services when booking a short-term rental – something that can be hard to keep if you have other commitments. We experienced first-hand the need for a way to automate marketing, guest management, key exchange, and turnover and found no company operating within our area.


group of people working together

We began taking other properties and experimenting with different techniques to increase revenue per listing, we were amazed with the difference in income generated by focusing on revenue and search optimisation.

And with that, Keey was born. Today, we manage whole properties across the UK, we envision a solution that not only solves a complicated problem but also simplifies and promotes frequent and enjoyable travel. Keey provides seamless, full-service management solutions that allows hosts to enjoy greater mobility while knowing their guests rest easy.

We empower individuals to unlock their full potential

Hosting brings huge opportunities

In this era of boundless opportunities, our lives are more liberated than ever before. We chart our own courses, seize our own moments. Amidst this landscape of potential, your home can transform from mere construction to a catalyst. Embrace hosting, and your abode can fund your globe-trotting expedition, afford you time for your pursuits, or even ignite the spark of your entrepreneurial venture.

Hosting brings huge opportunities

However, the journey is not always smooth.

Handling the process of sourcing, and managing a constant stream of tenants can indeed present its own set of challenges. Responding to messages at 1 am, searching for a trustworthy and dependable cleaner, interrupting your dinner to deliver spare keys – without a host partner, you’ll discover that hosting guests from around the world on platforms like Airbnb doesn’t provide freedom, but rather ties you down.

However, the journey is not always smooth.

This is why we established a professional hosting service.

We’ll take care of the cleaning, handle guest communications, and manage the listings. Our support extends to maintenance, pricing advice, and maximising occupancy as well. With 1000 bookings managed across UK, we’ve been shaping exceptional and contemporary hosting since 2019.

This is why we established a professional hosting service.

Owners are our partners, and success comes from teamwork

By working together to ensure the right guests, the right pricing, and the right service, we can unlock the true potential of your home. This means more time, more money, and the freedom to pursue your passions and desires. You focus on making more of your life, while we take care of making more of your home.

Owners are our partners, and success comes from teamwork


Satisfied Guests


Super Host Accounts Managed


Trustpilot Score


Occupancy Rate

The Rise of Homesharing

The rise of platforms such as Airbnb has led to a significant increase in popularity for renting accommodations. Over the past ten years, homesharing has claimed a substantial 25% share of the lodging market. With this in mind, what motivates individuals to opt for renting?

Asset Utilization

You want to maximize the use of your property? Instead of letting it sit idle, we ensure it’s consistently rented out. Our strategies include effective marketing and quick tenant placement.

Income Boost

Short-term rentals generate higher income compared long-term rentals. Our pricing algorithm ensures an equilibrium between high occupancy and nightly rates, maximizing your earnings.

Increasing Profits

Positive reviews drive successful listings. Would you choose a place with 100 reviews or just one? As your listing gains credibility, your earnings grow. Experience increasing annual returns firsthand.

Enhanced Flexibility

Enjoy the freedom of using your property when it suits you, by blocking off those dates on your calendar. Our cleaning reports also help you stay vigilant about your property’s upkeep.

Minimized Upkeep

Short-term guests tend to be more mindful of property care compared to long-term tenants. Our cleaning routines ensure that any problem is identified and addressed before it escalates.


Property damage is rare, but you’re fully covered in case of any incident with Airbnb’s $1,000,000 USD insurance coverage, and we collect deposits for reservations on other platforms.

Listing Management

Optimised for maximum returns.

  • To maximise your bookings and revenue potential, we’ll list your property on multiple platforms. Our platform means your calendar is synched across them all, while you enjoy great returns. We also use a strategy of short, medium and longer term lettings to help ensure occupancy all year round.

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  • We’ll increase your occupancy and the price you can charge with professional photography.

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  • To help attract the right guests for your property and increase the number of bookings, we’ll setup and write your listings on multiple platforms. We’ve got data from thousands of properties so we know what works best.

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  • A core part of the Keey difference is being able to increase how much you earn from your property. Behind every great pricing strategy is a lot of data and great human minds – we have both.

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Guest Management

Ensuring a 5-star guest stay.

  • Your safety and the security of your property are our top priority. We screen all guests and, after hundreds of thousands of bookings, have also built up our own database of good and bad guests.

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  • Recognizing the uniqueness of every property, we offer a variety of self check-in options tailored to your needs. Choose from wall-mounted lockboxes, railing lockboxes, or take advantage of our convenient smart key exchange service at no extra cost. Your property, your choice.

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  • Guests always remember how good the sheets are! We provide hotel quality linen and a high-quality laundry service. Our housekeepers know all the perfect touches for an enjoyable guest stay.

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  • Responding to guests as quickly as possible is the key to getting more bookings and maintaining a good reputation. Our teams respond 24/7/365 and trained to deal with all questions and issues both before and during stays.

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Property Management

Taking care of your property.

  • 5-star Cleans from our Professional Housekeepers
    We’ve built our own Airbnb cleaning service to ensure every clean is done thoroughly with guests in mind and are never missed! Our cleaners even report back to HQ with photos.

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  • Our housekeeping team take photographs between each guest stay and report on any maintenance items. If it’s a small item, we’ll fix it quickly. If it’s something that needs repairing or replacing, such as washing machine, we can arrange this for you.

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  • Bookings through Airbnb are covered by AirCover, while other bookings are covered by our partners, GuardDog, and other local insurances.

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Boost Your Rental Earnings

Experience the power of Keey’s sophisticated algorithms that fine-tune your rental pricing for unparalleled profitability.

Boost my Rental Income